The Suicide of My Taboos …Elizabeth!

The Suicide of My Taboos …Elizabeth!

An exquisite, mystical and inspiring novel of beauty, gratitude and worship! With praise only given to the Great Almighty! I fell to my knees, and with my face drenched with tears, out of shear adoration; from my own eyes, I cannot believe, the greatest gift I have ever been given! Praise to the Almighty for the gift that He has bestowed on me; by enabling me to write such an aesthetic epic! Blessed be the name of the Almighty, full of majesty, bounty and honor!
August Rain

August Rain

"Oh, my God! My God! How awful is that!" Professor Dahshan said. "Jamil told me you were very close friends!" said the wife. "Please, sir, come inside and let us serve you something!" "Yes, we were very close friends but we are friends no more

في بلاد السمن والعسل الجزء الأول

16 نيسان 2023


فبكت و بكيت

16 نيسان 2023


في بلاد السمن والعسل الجزء الثاني

16 نيسان 2023


تيه البروفيسور دهشان ... !

16 نيسان 2023


August Rain

16 نيسان 2023


Beads of Memory

16 نيسان 2023

The Suicide of My Taboos...Elizabeth!

16 نيسان 2023


كريستينا ... الحب المحرّم !

16 نيسان 2023


باقة من روايات الكاتب والروائي

عبد المجيد الدباس


القائمة الرئيسية

عبد المجيد الدباس

ولد الكاتب عبد المجيد الدباس في الاردن بمدينة السلط عام 1926 وعاش طفولته وشبابه بها

 اِقرأ المزيد...